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Women of the World:

Literature, Language, and Translation

The Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Egypt cordially invites you to attend its international conference on “Women of the World: Literature, Language, and Translation.” It is an onsite conference that will take place between March the 10th and 11th 2023.

Women have always been talented storytellers. Scheherazade, the Wife of Bath, and Sita are prominent examples. The more modern and contemporary Virginia Wolf, Toni Morrison, and Assia Djebar––to name just a few––are prominent writers who have impacted world literature. We welcome papers that explore women as depicted in different genres of literary texts across the world by established as well as emerging writers. Among the topics to be explored are the working conditions of women, political partitions, and domestic spaces. Women have written about the difficult conditions and the marginalization they face at the workplace. Writers such as Susan Abulhawa, Samar Yazbek, and Geetanjali Shree narrate how their countries have been partitioned. In addition to the political, women writers have been exploring their domestic spaces; Charlotte Brontë’s illustration of Thornfield Hall in and Leila Ahmed’s description of her childhood house are suggestive examples. In addition to writing about their little garden, kitchen, and their study room, women have also explored urban and rural spaces. Other genres such as the poetry of native Americans and graphic novel are highly appreciated. In addition to creative works, we would also like to solicit abstracts from linguistic and translational perspectives that examine works written by women. Established scholars, PhD holders, as well as graduate students from across the globe who are interested in feminism and women studies are encouraged to participate in this conference. The topics covered include but are not limited to:

-Working conditions for women -Ancient and medieval women

-Women writing national partition(s) -Re-writings of Scheherazade

-Women and travel literature - Women and translation

-Women & spatiality (domestic, rural, urban) -Ecofeminism in women’s literature

-Empowering women and minorities -Women and life writing

-Women’s migration and identity -Women writing new literary genres

-Women in exile and in the diaspora -Feminist critical discourse analysis

-Women, ethnicity, class, and gender -Feminist stylistic analysis

-Women in myths and folktales -Feminist conversation analysis

-British/American Arab women writers -Multimodality


Plenary Speakers

Dr. Feroza Jussawalla

Dr. Stephen Bishop

Dr. Umme


Abstract Submission Instructions:

To participate in the conference, complete the registration form below:

Application Form

Full name (and co-authors, if any):






Email Address:


Topic Area:

Are you interested in attending the cultural tour of Alexandria on Friday, March 9th?

Title of Presentation:

Brief Abstract (Please limit to 300 words):

A short bio (Please limit to 250 words):

Please email this form as a word document file to by July 1st, 2022. You will be notified about acceptance by August 1st.

Should you have any questions, please address them to conference organizers: Dr. Amany El-Sawy ( and Dr. Doaa Omran (



Registration Fees

Egyptian Participant 500EGP Attendee 100 EGP

International Participant 100 USD Student Free

Donations are also welcome!

Hope to see you in Alexandria next spring!


Publication opportunities:

Selected papers will be peer reviewed and published in a special issue by the Journal of the Faculty of Education/Alexandria University and possibly another international women studies journal. Moreover, we are considering a co-edited volume with an international publisher. Date of submitting final papers for refereeing will be announced later.

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